Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Complex Numbers and Their Conjugates

Having difficulty with complex numbers? Have no fear! They are actually quite easy to grasp once you understand the definition. Here it is:

Definition: a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1.

Standard form: a + bi

Heads up ---> Imaginary numbers ( i ) are not graphed on the x or y axes. Instead, we call the y axis the Imaginary Axis and the x axis the Real Axis.

Example: A) Graph the following points: (0,0) (1,2) (2,4)

              B) Graph the following points: (-4+5i) (3+2i) (-5-4i)
                         Note: This is the same as saying that (-4, 3, and -5) are plotted on the real axis and (5i, 2i, and -4i) are plotted on the imaginary axis.

 This means that when adding or subtracting, you add or subtract real and imaginary parts of the numbers separately.

Example: Add or subtract where necessary. 
                     A) (3-i) + (2+3i)

              First remove the parentheses and multiply the +1 through the second complex number--->
                                       3 - i + 2 + 3i
              Then combine like terms (Real numbers with real numbers and imaginary numbers with imaginary                   numbers)---> 
                                      (3+2) +(-1+3)i
              Then write the equation in standard form--->
                                      5 + 2i
                      B) 3-(-2+3i)+(-5+i)
              Again, remove the parentheses and multiply the -1 and +1 through the first and second complex                     numbers--->
                                      3 + 2 -3i - 5 +i
              Combine like terms--->
                                      3 + 2 - 5 -3i + i
              Write in standard form---> 
                                     0 - 2i

 When multiplying complex numbers together, you distribute or use foil.

Example: Multiply and write in standard form.
             A) (2-i)(4+3i)
                     Use foil to distribute the (2-i) through the (4+3i)--->
                     Then combine like terms (WAIT! Think. Can anything be simplified first? You are correct!
=  -1) --->
                                                                 8 + 2i - 3(-1)
                     Now combine like terms and write in standard form--->
                                                                 8 + 2i +3
When dividing complex numbers, you MUST remember to multiply by the denominator's conjugate. What is a conjugate you ask? A conjugate is the opposite of whatever equation you have. For example, the conjugate for a+bi would be a-bi.

Try this: Divide the two complex numbers.
             First, you multiply by the conjugate of the denominator--->

             Now distribute--->
             Simplify like terms--->
             Write in standard form--->
Voila! You now can be an expert on complex numbers and their conjugates. However, if you are still having some trouble, please refer to the videos below. They can be very helpful!

Peace out! 
~Emily Johnson~

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